
Showing posts from May, 2021
Test. Test. Test. When   my husband first started having trouble with his feet, no one seemed to know what to do.  Our primary care doctor had blood drawn.  The E.R. had a CT done. The neurologist had MRIs done.  The spine doctor had more MRIs done.   They all said they couldn't find anything. Meanwhile, my husband went from a healthy, able-bodied man to someone who could barely stand up with a 4-wheel walker for support. The day he just "melted" to the ground twice, we went to the neurologist and then the E.R. for the third time in three months.   Finally! Diagnosing GBS! This time, the doctor in the E.R. decided that my husband could NOT just go home like that and that he'd do his best to figure it out.  After a few more tests and time spent on Google as well as brainstorming with the neurologist, Guillain Barre Syndrome came up. The doctor did a lumbar puncture and found that the proteins were off the charts.  They told us that was indicative of  GBS and that my hu